Specialist List

Specialist List

WA Specialists


Dr Lawrence Terace

Dr Lawrence Terace

Specialty: Psychiatrist

Sub-Specialties: N/a

Qualifications: MBBS, WIA, FRANZCP

Accreditations: APIA (WA)

Telehealth: Yes

Consulting Locations: Perth

Dr Lawrence Terace is a Psychiatrist who specialises in the assessment of injuries relating to Anxiety, Depression and OCD.

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Dr Daniel Shub

Dr Daniel Shub

Specialty: Psychiatrist

Sub-Specialties: Paediatric, Adolescent / Youth, Adult

Qualifications: MBBS, FRANZCP, Cert Child Adol Psych

Accreditations: APIA (WA)

Telehealth: Yes

Consulting Locations: Nedlands

Dr Danny Shub is one of Australia’s most experienced Child, Adolescent and Adult psychiatrists. He has extensive clinical experience in public and private inpatient and outpatient settings as well as in forensic and MeidcoLegal consultation.

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Dr Surabhi Verma

Dr Surabhi Verma

Specialty: Psychiatrist

Sub-Specialties: N/a

Qualifications: MBBS, MD, FRANZCP

Accreditations: AMA 5, NT Worksafe Panel Member Only - Not Chair

Telehealth: Yes

Consulting Locations: N/a

Dr Verma`s area of interests include: Mood disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Early intervention in Adolescents including Psychotic disorders and Drug and Alcohol disorders.

Click the following link to read more on Dr Surabhi Verma

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Orthopaedic Surgeon

Dr Anthony Robinson

Dr Anthony Robinson

Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgeon

Sub-Specialties: Knees, Shoulders, General

Qualifications: MBBS, FRACS

Accreditations: WIA (NSW), APIA (WA), AMA 5, NT Worksafe Panel Chair or Member

Telehealth: Unsure

Consulting Locations: Waikiki, Westminster, Sydney

Dr Anthony Robinson is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon specialising in joint surgery, especially knees and shoulders but also general orthopaedics.

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Prof Jonathan Foster

Prof Jonathan Foster

Specialty: Neuropsychologist

Sub-Specialties: N/a

Qualifications: CPsychol (UK), MAPS, FRMS, DPhil (Oxon), AFBPsS, FCCN, DipNeuropsych, CSci (UK)

Accreditations: N/A

Telehealth: Unsure

Consulting Locations: Tuart Hill

Professor Jonathan Foster is a Neuropsychologist who has over 25 years international experience in both the public and private sector and an extensive professional and academic track record as a scientist/practitioner in clinical neuropsychology.

Click the following link to read more on Prof Jonathan Foster

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Ms Kristi Gilbert

Ms Kristi Gilbert

Specialty: Nurse

Sub-Specialties: Paediatric

Qualifications: BAppSc (Nurs)

Accreditations: N/A

Telehealth: No

Consulting Locations: Melbourne, Bendigo, Kyneton

Ms Kristi Gilbert is a Critical Care Registered Nurse with thirty years of clinical experience in a variety of areas including ICU, ED, anaesthetics, medical/surgical, community nursing, wound care, infusion therapies (including Iron, Immune, and Chemotherapy), acute medical and surgical nursing, aged care and nursing management.

Click the following link to read more on Ms Kristi Gilbert

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