Specialist List

Specialist List

TAS Specialists


Dr Surabhi Verma

Dr Surabhi Verma

Specialty: Psychiatrist

Sub-Specialties: N/a

Qualifications: MBBS, MD, FRANZCP

Accreditations: AMA 5, NT Worksafe Panel Member Only - Not Chair

Telehealth: Yes

Consulting Locations: N/a

Dr Verma`s area of interests include: Mood disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Early intervention in Adolescents including Psychotic disorders and Drug and Alcohol disorders.

Click the following link to read more on Dr Surabhi Verma

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Ms Kristi Gilbert

Ms Kristi Gilbert

Specialty: Nurse

Sub-Specialties: Paediatric

Qualifications: BAppSc (Nurs)

Accreditations: N/A

Telehealth: No

Consulting Locations: Melbourne, Bendigo, Kyneton

Ms Kristi Gilbert is a Critical Care Registered Nurse with thirty years of clinical experience in a variety of areas including ICU, ED, anaesthetics, medical/surgical, community nursing, wound care, infusion therapies (including Iron, Immune, and Chemotherapy), acute medical and surgical nursing, aged care and nursing management.

Click the following link to read more on Ms Kristi Gilbert

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