Specialist List

Specialist List

QLD Specialists


Dr Phillip Vecchio

Dr Phillip Vecchio

Specialty: Rheumatologist

Sub-Specialties: N/a

Qualifications: MBBS, FRACP

Accreditations: COMCARE, GEPI, WIA (NSW), IME (QLD), AMA 5, NT Worksafe Panel Chair or Member

Telehealth: Yes

Consulting Locations: Brisbane City

Dr Phillip Vecchio is a Rheumatologist with extensive experience in all musculoskeletal areas, including occupational syndromes, arthritis and disorders of muscles, tendons and ligaments.

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Orthopaedic Surgeon

Dr Hugh English

Dr Hugh English

Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgeon

Sub-Specialties: General

Qualifications: FRACS, MBChB, FRCS

Accreditations: COMCARE, GEPI, APIA (WA), IME (QLD), IIA (TAC), AMA 4, AMA 5

Telehealth: Yes

Consulting Locations: Noosa Heads, Chermside

Dr English’s particular areas of interest are patients with hip and knee concerns, in particular, reconstructive surgery of the hip and knee and arthritis and newer cartilage healing techniques.

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Dr Peter Sharwood

Dr Peter Sharwood

Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgeon

Sub-Specialties: Spine, Knees, Ankles, Shoulders, Hands, General, Feet, Elbows, Pelvis, Wrist, Lower Limbs, Upper Limbs

Qualifications: MBBS, FRACS

Accreditations: COMCARE, GEPI, WIA (NSW), AHP (NSW), NT Worksafe Panel Chair or Member

Telehealth: No

Consulting Locations: Greenslopes, Cairns, Rockhampton

Dr Shardwood specialises in injuries relating to the upper limbs and has been awarded an Order of Australia Medal for recognition of his service to Orthopaedics and in Australia’s Armed Forces.

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Dr Greg Nutting

Dr Greg Nutting

Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgeon

Sub-Specialties: Shoulders, General

Qualifications: MBBS, FRACS, FAOrthA

Accreditations: GEPI

Telehealth: Yes

Consulting Locations: Brisbane City

Dr Greg Nutting is an Orthopaedic Surgeon with a special interest in upper limb conditions, particularly shoulder conditions and surgery.

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Dr Iulian Nusem

Dr Iulian Nusem

Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgeon, Hand Surgeon

Sub-Specialties: General

Qualifications: FRACS, MD

Accreditations: GEPI, WIA (NSW), AHP (NSW), AMA 4, AMA 5, NT Worksafe Panel Chair or Member

Telehealth: Unsure

Consulting Locations: Sunnybank

Dr Iulian Nusem is an Orthopaedic Surgeon and Director of Orthopaedics at Logan Hospital. He is qualified with MD FRACS and also consults at the Sunnybank Private Hospital.

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Dr David Hayes

Dr David Hayes

Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgeon

Sub-Specialties: Lower Limbs, Upper Limbs

Qualifications: MBBS, FAOrthA, FRACS (Orth)

Accreditations: GEPI, WIA (NSW), IME (VWA), VWA (NAR), IME (QLD), TAC (JME), AMA 4, AMA 5

Telehealth: Yes

Consulting Locations: Brisbane City, Melbourne

Dr David Hayes is an Orthopaedic Surgeon who was educated in Brisbane and received his medical degree from the University of Queensland in 1989. Dr Hayes research interests are directed to knee surgery and hip arthroscopy

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Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon

Dr Paul Belt

Dr Paul Belt

Specialty: Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon

Sub-Specialties: N/a

Qualifications: MBBS, FRACS

Accreditations: GEPI, WIA (NSW), AMA 5, NT Worksafe Panel Chair or Member

Telehealth: Yes

Consulting Locations: Fortitude Valley

Dr Paul Belt is a Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon who graduated from Oxford University in 1994 with a First Class Honours Degree in Medicine & Surgery.

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Dr David Johnson

Dr David Johnson

Specialty: Neurosurgeon

Sub-Specialties: N/a

Qualifications: FRACS, PhD, MBBS (Hons)

Accreditations: GEPI, AMA 5, NT Worksafe Panel Chair or Member

Telehealth: Yes

Consulting Locations: Spring Hill

Dr Johnson’s expertise covers a wide range of brain and spinal neurosurgery, including sacro-iliac and global spinal reconstructive surgery as well as spinal cord and peripheral neuro-stimulation pain surgery, minimally invasive key hole techniques, neuro-oncology, acute cerebro-vascular surgery, brain and spine trauma and all general cranial surgery.

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Dr Michael Coroneos

Dr Michael Coroneos

Specialty: Neurosurgeon

Sub-Specialties: N/a


Accreditations: COMCARE

Telehealth: No

Consulting Locations: Brisbane City

Dr Michael Coroneos is a highly trained and experienced Neurosurgeon who practices objective and evidence-based treatment.

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Prof David Walker

Prof David Walker

Specialty: Neurosurgeon

Sub-Specialties: N/a

Qualifications: MBBS, FRACS, PhD, BMedSc

Accreditations: N/A

Telehealth: Yes

Consulting Locations: Bowen Hills

Professor David Walker is a Neurosurgeon and Spinal Surgeon with a special clinical interest in brain tumours and is actively involved in conducting research to help find a cure for this disease.

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Dr James (Jim) Muir

Dr James (Jim) Muir

Specialty: Dermatologist

Sub-Specialties: N/a

Qualifications: MBBS, FACD

Accreditations: GEPI

Telehealth: Yes

Consulting Locations: Annerley

Dr Muir has a special interest in skin cancer and skin disease in the elderly. He is actively involved in medical education he regularly lectures on dermatology to other specialists, general practitioners, medical students, pharmacists and the general public.

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Hand Surgeon

Dr Iulian Nusem

Dr Iulian Nusem

Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgeon, Hand Surgeon

Sub-Specialties: General

Qualifications: FRACS, MD

Accreditations: GEPI, WIA (NSW), AHP (NSW), AMA 4, AMA 5, NT Worksafe Panel Chair or Member

Telehealth: Unsure

Consulting Locations: Sunnybank

Dr Iulian Nusem is an Orthopaedic Surgeon and Director of Orthopaedics at Logan Hospital. He is qualified with MD FRACS and also consults at the Sunnybank Private Hospital.

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Respiratory (Thoracic) & Sleep Physician

Dr Robert Edwards

Dr Robert Edwards

Specialty: Respiratory (thoracic) & Sleep Physician

Sub-Specialties: N/a

Qualifications: MBBS, FRACP, FCCP

Accreditations: GEPI

Telehealth: Yes

Consulting Locations: Brisbane City

Dr Robert Edwards is a Thoracic, Respiratory and Sleep Physician.

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Dr Maurice Heiner

Dr Maurice Heiner

Specialty: Respiratory (thoracic) & Sleep Physician

Sub-Specialties: N/a

Qualifications: MBBS, FRACP, FCCP

Accreditations: GEPI, AMA 5

Telehealth: Yes

Consulting Locations: Auchenflower, Robina

Dr Maurice Heiner is a Sleep Physician who graduated from the University of Queensland in 1972 with a MBBS and was admitted to the Fellow College of Chest Physicians in 1982 and as a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in 1996.

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Dr Helen Whitford

Dr Helen Whitford

Specialty: Respiratory (thoracic) & Sleep Physician

Sub-Specialties: N/a

Qualifications: MBBS, FRACP

Accreditations: N/A

Telehealth: Yes

Consulting Locations: Douglas

Dr Helen Whitford is a Specialist Respiratory Physician with particular expertise in Pulmonary hypertension, Pulmonary embolism, Lung transplantation and Interstitial lung disease.

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Dr Curtis Gray

Dr Curtis Gray

Specialty: Psychiatrist

Sub-Specialties: N/a

Qualifications: MBBS, FRANZCP, AFRACMA

Accreditations: COMCARE, AMS (NSW), GEPI

Telehealth: Yes

Consulting Locations: Brisbane City

Dr Curtis Gray is an experienced adult psychiatrist with interests in mood and anxiety disorders, trauma and stressor related disorders.

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Dr Michael Likely

Dr Michael Likely

Specialty: Psychiatrist

Sub-Specialties: N/a

Qualifications: MBBS, FRANZCP, MSc

Accreditations: COMCARE, GEPI, IME (QLD), AMA 5

Telehealth: Yes

Consulting Locations: Townsville

Dr Michael Likely is a Psychiatrist with strong expertise in trauma, mood disorders and anxiety disorders.

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Dr Surabhi Verma

Dr Surabhi Verma

Specialty: Psychiatrist

Sub-Specialties: N/a

Qualifications: MBBS, MD, FRANZCP

Accreditations: AMA 5, NT Worksafe Panel Member Only - Not Chair

Telehealth: Yes

Consulting Locations: N/a

Dr Verma`s area of interests include: Mood disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Early intervention in Adolescents including Psychotic disorders and Drug and Alcohol disorders.

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Dr Nigel Prior

Dr Nigel Prior

Specialty: Psychiatrist

Sub-Specialties: N/a

Qualifications: MBBS, FRANZCP, FACLM, MRC Psych UK

Accreditations: N/A

Telehealth: Yes

Consulting Locations: Brisbane City

Dr Nigel Prior is a Psychiatrist who specialises in addiction medicine. His qualifications include MBBS, FRANZCP, MRC Psych UK and FACLM.

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Dr Ashwani Garg

Dr Ashwani Garg

Specialty: Psychiatrist

Sub-Specialties: N/a

Qualifications: MBBS, FRANZCP

Accreditations: GEPI, AMA 6, AMA 5

Telehealth: Yes

Consulting Locations: Booval

Dr Ashwani Kumar Garg, B.Sc., MBBS, MD, FRANZCP, MCIME, FACIME, is a Consultant Psychiatrist with more than 15 years of experience working with clients with mental health issues.

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Occupational Physician

Dr Chris Cunneen

Dr Chris Cunneen

Specialty: Occupational Physician

Sub-Specialties: N/a


Accreditations: GEPI, WIA (NSW), WPI (TAS)

Telehealth: No

Consulting Locations: Cannon Hill

Dr Chris Cunneen is one of Australia’s leading Occupational and Environmental Physicians (OEP) with expertise in providing independent medical opinion to the corporate and government sectors.

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Dr Robert McCartney

Dr Robert McCartney

Specialty: Occupational Physician

Sub-Specialties: N/a

Qualifications: MBBS, FAFOEM, CIME (ABIME), GDipOcc&EnvHlth

Accreditations: GEPI, IME (VWA), IIA (VWA), AMA 4, AMA 5, NT Worksafe Panel Chair or Member

Telehealth: No

Consulting Locations: Fairfield, Melbourne, Brisbane City, Hamilton, Mackay, Townsville, Rockhampton, Sippy Downs, North Lakes

Dr Robert McCartney is a physician who has specialised in the field of Occupational and Environmental Medicine for over 20 years.

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Rehabilitation Physician

Dr Thomas Sheehan

Dr Thomas Sheehan

Specialty: Rehabilitation Physician, General Medical Registration - No Specialty

Sub-Specialties: N/a

Qualifications: MBBS, GEPI, MHP

Accreditations: COMCARE, GEPI, MAA (NSW), IME (QLD), AHP (NSW), AMA 4, AMA 5, NT Worksafe Panel Chair or Member

Telehealth: Yes

Consulting Locations: Mermaid Beach, Brisbane City, Melbourne, Sydney

Dr Thomas Sheehan is a General Medicine Specialist with expertise in Orthopaedic/Musculoskeletal and Rehabilitation medicine.

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General Medical Registration - no Specialty

Dr Thomas Sheehan

Dr Thomas Sheehan

Specialty: Rehabilitation Physician, General Medical Registration - No Specialty

Sub-Specialties: N/a

Qualifications: MBBS, GEPI, MHP

Accreditations: COMCARE, GEPI, MAA (NSW), IME (QLD), AHP (NSW), AMA 4, AMA 5, NT Worksafe Panel Chair or Member

Telehealth: Yes

Consulting Locations: Mermaid Beach, Brisbane City, Melbourne, Sydney

Dr Thomas Sheehan is a General Medicine Specialist with expertise in Orthopaedic/Musculoskeletal and Rehabilitation medicine.

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Ms Kristi Gilbert

Ms Kristi Gilbert

Specialty: Nurse

Sub-Specialties: Paediatric

Qualifications: BAppSc (Nurs)

Accreditations: N/A

Telehealth: No

Consulting Locations: Melbourne, Bendigo, Kyneton

Ms Kristi Gilbert is a Critical Care Registered Nurse with thirty years of clinical experience in a variety of areas including ICU, ED, anaesthetics, medical/surgical, community nursing, wound care, infusion therapies (including Iron, Immune, and Chemotherapy), acute medical and surgical nursing, aged care and nursing management.

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General Surgeon

Dr Matthew Burstow

Dr Matthew Burstow

Specialty: General Surgeon

Sub-Specialties: Trauma

Qualifications: MBBS, FRACS, FACS, FCHSM

Accreditations: N/A

Telehealth: Unsure

Consulting Locations: Meadowbrook

Dr Matthew Burstow is a General Surgeon based in South East Queensland, specialising in Acute Care and Trauma Surgery. He works in a high-volume acute surgical unit at a major metropolitan hospital, handling diverse acute surgical cases. He also has extensive experience in surgical management, clinical governance, healthcare improvement, and perioperative medicine.

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Dr Timothy Squire

Dr Timothy Squire

Specialty: Oncologist

Sub-Specialties: Radiation

Qualifications: MBBS, FRANZCR

Accreditations: N/A

Telehealth: Yes

Consulting Locations: Douglas

Dr Timothy Squire is a Radiation Oncologist and Director of Training at The Townsville Cancer Centre in Australia. He specialises in advanced cancer treatment technology and has expertise in radiation protection in space.

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Dr Christian Van Nieuwenhuysen

Dr Christian Van Nieuwenhuysen

Specialty: Anaesthetist

Sub-Specialties: N/a

Qualifications: MBBS, FANZCA, BSc

Accreditations: N/A

Telehealth: Yes

Consulting Locations: Greenslopes

Dr Christian Van Nieuwenhuysen’s areas of special interest include peripheral nerve blocks (and associated nerve injuries), peri-operative drug reactions (including anaphylaxis and allergy testing), accidental awareness under general anaesthesia, and intra-operative crisis management. He also provides expert anaesthetic care across a wide range of surgical fields, such as gynaecological, plastic, orthopaedic, urological, and general surgeries.

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