MAG Telehealth

Smart Telehealth is the future of medico legal consulting

Our video conferencing medical assessment platform – MAG Telehealth, has proven to be a very popular option for holding Independent Medical and Injury Management Consultations for a number of years now.

This digital teleconferencing tool enables consultations to take place with both the specialist and the claimant being in two separate locations.

MAG Telehealth does not require any fancy gadgets or accessories to stream. A reliable laptop or personal computer with fully functioning audio-visual features is all that is required to participate.

This cloud-based program is safeguarded by the most up-to-the-minute, data security controls. MAG Telehealth has been developed to ensure the highest standard of confidentiality for its users.

Claimants are free to disclose all the details and histories of their conditions to their examining  specialists, in much the same way as they would in a face-to-face consultation.

A consent form is sent to the Claimant for signing and must be returned to the MAG office no later than forty-eight hours prior to the online assessment. This confirms the claimant’s willingness to be assessed by the specialist through this online method.

In order for a meeting to commence, both the specialist and the claimant simply click on the hyperlink. The doctor asks the claimant the same questions as they would in a standard, face-to-face meeting.

MAG Telehealth and COVID-19

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the MAG Telehealth platform has proven to have enormous value for our clients, claimants and the MAG team. Specialists have continued to assess claimants via this superior video conferencing option, thereby keeping all parties safe and eliminating any risk of virus transmission.

MAG Telehealth became the only viable way that specialist assessments could continue during lockdown periods when severe, government-imposed restrictions meant that all face-to-face assessments in the MAG offices had to be temporarily suspended.

Although many of our offices are now open for business, the strictest safety measures are being enforced. Claimants who attend our offices are required to show evidence of full vaccination and negative COVID-19 test results. These results must be from a test they underwent no longer than forty-eight hours prior to the appointment.

A high proportion of NSW residents have been fully vaccinated and restrictions are being gradually lifted. Whilst we are offering in-person assessments, MAG respectfully encourages our clients to continue booking MAG Telehealth for their client’s consultations whilst the virus is circulating throughout the community.

Ensuring the safety of our specialists, your claimants and the MAG team is of paramount importance to us during this difficult time.

The preferred option for conducting medical assessments

Holding assessments via MAG Telehealth obviously has many great time and money saving advantages for both you and your claimants. We have been overwhelmed with positive feedback from many of our claimants who have advised that they preferred the online meetings to regular, physical examinations.

Without the need to spend time and money travelling to a city office to meet with a specialist, claimants can attend an examination either at their Lawyer’s or Insurer’s office, or at a medical centre close to where they live. Whichever is easiest for them.