Specialist Details

Dr Remy Glowinski

Dr Remy Glowinski

Dr Glowinski completed his medical degree at the University of Melbourne in 2000 and was admitted as a fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatry (RANZCP) in 2008. He has since worked as a consultant psychiatrist in private practise and in the public psychiatric service.

As a highly experienced MedicoLegal assessor, Dr Glowinski is able to assess Fitness for Work, Wrongs Act, Comcare, TPD, Income protection, Psychiatric criminal reports, stalking/harassment and violence risk assessments. He has a wealth of experience conducting GEPIC assessments.

Currently based in Melbourne, Dr Glowinski is available to conduct MedicoLegal assessments either in-person or online via our tele-health platform, eAssess. To book a MedicoLegal appointment with Dr Glowinski, please call (02) 8090 7611 or click the link below to book online.

Brief Profile:

  • Specialty: Psychiatrist
  • Sub-Specialties: N/A
  • Qualifications: MBBS, FRANZCP, RACP
  • Accreditations: COMCARE, GEPIC, IME (TAC), IIA (TAC), TAC (JME)
  • Telehealth: Yes
  • Consulting Locations: Brighton
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