Specialist Details

Dr Peter Isert

Dr Peter Isert

Dr Isert has worked in both public and private hospital sectors in Sydney, in country areas as well as in several overseas countries. He is thought of as a safe, insightful practical and sensible senior anaesthetist whose opinion is respected amongst his surgical and anaesthetic peers alike. He has a life long interest in medical education and MedicoLegal work.

Dr Isert has most likely “seen it all before”, and is ideally placed to give an overall view on the adequacy or otherwise of preoperative patient assessment, intraoperative planning and immediate post op care, in addition to be being able to opine on the appropriateness and safety of a wide range of anaesthetic techniques and choices.

Dr Isert provides regular availability to conduct MedicoLegal assessments both in-person and online via our tele-health platform, Scope. To book an appointment, please call (02) 8090 7611, email admin@medicolegalassessmentsgroup.com.au or click the link below to book online.

Brief Profile:

  • Specialty: Anaesthetist
  • Sub-Specialties: N/A
  • Qualifications: MBBS, FFARCS, FANZCA
  • Accreditations: N/A
  • Telehealth: Yes
  • Consulting Locations: Sydney
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