Specialist Details

Dr Muthuthantrige Ashani Prasadika Couchman

Dr Muthuthantrige Ashani Prasadika Couchman

She leads the urodynamics service for the Central Adelaide Locum Health Network – South Australia and is the neuro-urologist for the Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre. As the only Transitional Urologist in the state, Dr Couchman takes a lead role in the transfer of patients with a congenital or acquired urological anomaly from the paediatric to adult setting. She is a member of the Continence Foundation and serves on a wide range of other committees and associations.

To book a MedicoLegal appointment with Dr Ashani Prasadika Couchman, please call (02) 8090 7611 or click the link below to book online.

Brief Profile:

  • Specialty: Urologist
  • Sub-Specialties: N/A
  • Qualifications: FRACS, MBChB, MBBS
  • Accreditations: N/A
  • Telehealth: Yes
  • Consulting Locations: Adelaide
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