Specialist Details

Dr Melissa Hughes

Dr Melissa Hughes

Dr Hughes has worked internationally and interstate in clinical roles in non-government, health, and forensic mental health settings, as well as academic research positions. Her training and experience allows her to combine clinical and forensic expertise to provide comprehensive assessments and expert reports that address clinical and forensic issues. She has extensive experience assessing clients with a wide range of conditions including acquired brain injuries, substance use disorders, neurological conditions, neurodegenerative disorders, mental health disorders including personality disorders, and complex interactions of these conditions. She has particular interest and expertise in brain injury, capacity assessments, individuals with complex presentations and forensic assessment. Dr Hughes regularly provides independent expert reports for a variety of courts and tribunals. She has extensive experience in both criminal and civil matters.

Dr Hughes is currently based in Sydney, NSW, where she provides regular availability to conduct MedicoLegal Assessments both in-person and online via our tele-health platform, Kawaconn video. She is also willing to conduct work on Medical Negligence matters. To book an appointment with Dr Hughes, please call us on (02) 8090 7611, email us on admin@medicolegalassessmentsgroup.com.au, or click the link below to book online.

Brief Profile:

  • Specialty: Neuropsychologist, Forensic Psychologist
  • Sub-Specialties: N/A
  • Qualifications: MBBS, MAPS
  • Accreditations: AHP (NSW)
  • Telehealth: Yes
  • Consulting Locations: Sydney
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