Specialist Details

Dr Linda Thomas

Dr Linda Thomas

She is a trained assessor in Permanent Impairment for Motor Accidents Authority, Workcover and Comcare. She has been a medico-legal assessor since 2003 and consults on Fitness for Duty assessments, Personal Injury and damages claims for selected legal cases, life insurance and defendant insurance company referrals.

Dr Thomas has experience in cross examination and has published an expert assessment of psychological injury for the Law Society. She is presently both a Visiting Research Fellow at the Australian National University (ANU), Adjunct Senior Lecturer at University of Newcastle. Dr Thomas is supervisor to undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as a Board certified supervisor of Provisional Psychologists. She is a past academic and adjunct Senior Lecturer at both ANU and University of Newcastle. Dr Thomas holds a Doctorate in Philosophy from the University of Canberra, a Masters of Science (Honours) from the University of Melbourne, and Bachelor of Science degree (Honours) from Macquarie University. Dr Thomas has trained at the Institute of Forensic Pathology and the Royal Melbourne Hospital in the neuropsychological and neuropathological assessment. She has published on these assessments and presented her findings at various international congresses.

Dr Thomas has both clinical competence and academic skills training in psychometric testing. She has interviewed, administered, interpreted and reported on a number of tests in a variety of contexts including occupational, clinical and forensic settings. Her expertise incorporates tests of aptitude, cognition, executive functioning and personality as well as work safety, malingering, emotional intelligence and skills-based assessments and includes NEO, MMPI, WAIS, WISC amongst many others.

For several years, Dr Thomas has convened the ANU postgraduate course Psychological Assessment: https://programsandcourses.anu.edu.au/2020/course/PSYC8413. Dr Thomas has held various academic appointments and has taught across disciplines such as Forensic Psychopathology, Neuropsychological assessment, Neuropathology, Medical Science and Human Physiology and Anatomy to Medical Students, Psychology undergraduate and postgraduate students. She has convened a Masters of Occupational Health and Safety at the University of Newcastle.

Dr Thomas has over 30 years of clinical experience in public hospital and community facilities, private practice and occupational and academic arenas. She has provided assessment and management of children and adults with a wide range of psychiatric and psychological conditions, including psychotic disorders, personality disorders, adjustment disorders, PTSD, depressive disorders and anxiety. She has clinical experience in brain injury related to acquired and degenerative disorders and their cognitive and neuropsychological assessment.

Dr Thomas is currently based in Westmead, NSW. She is available to conduct MedicoLegal assessments in person as well as Telehealth via Kawaconn Video. To book a MedicoLegal appointment with Dr Thomas, please call (02) 8090 7611 or email admin@medicolegalassessmentsgroup.com.au. You can also click the link below to book online.

Brief Profile:

  • Specialty: Clinical Psychologist, Forensic Psychologist
  • Sub-Specialties: N/A
  • Qualifications: PhD
  • Accreditations: COMCARE, GEPI, IMC (NSW), IME (VWA), AHP (NSW), IME (TAC), NT Worksafe Panel Chair or Member
  • Telehealth: Yes
  • Consulting Locations: Newcastle
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