He’s the Clinical Lead for the NSW COVID-19 Care in Community program and holds many positions, including Medical chair of NSW Emergency Care Institute Research Committee, Adjunct Associate Professor at University of Sydney, Adjunct Fellow at Macquarie University’s Centre for Health Systems and Safety Research, honorary research fellow at Westmead Institute for Medical Research.
He also played a key role in developing a COVID-19 patient tracking platform and risk scoring system. He’s involved in sepsis screening research and contributed to AI-based sepsis screening tools. He also engages in clinical work in rural Australian EDs and international charity missions.
Dr Shetty is currently based in Westmead, NSW. He is available to conduct MedicoLegal assessments in person as well as Telehealth via Kawaconn Video. To book a MedicoLegal appointment with Dr Shetty, please call (02) 8090 7611 or email admin@medicolegalassessmentsgroup.com.au. You can also click the link below to book online.